Are You Ready For 2014?
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Are You Ready For 2014?

The end of the year ! Time to review. Time to redefine.

2013 will soon be history. I am sure we will say “GoodBye” to 2013 by remembering its highs and lows. More importantly, enriching ourselves by the lessons it taught us.

2014 is in front of us. Let us look ahead.

How do we want 2014 to be?

What do we want to be in 2014?

And in 2015? And further ahead. It is important to set those right priorities for ourselves. It is important to set clear goals. Once that is done, there is tremendous clarity of thought. All things fall in place.

The most important things after having clear goals is discipline and commitment. Nobody won a nobel prize for their plans. Nobody got a promotion for their thoughts. Everyone got ahead because of results and actions, which only happen after execution and discipline. Let us act. Let us fight that cynical voice. Stay away from negative thoughts and persons.

Things may not go as per the script. But we still have to face reality. Take adversity by the horns. Accept challenge and prepare a new approach, if things do not right. It is always important to have Plan B.

Always be positive. Always manage time well. Google Maps cannot guide our lives. Nor can anyone else. We are our own architects. It is convenient to find problems outside of us. Difficult people will fall in line eventually.

Finally pursue excellence. It helps you become expert. It helps you to leave your mark. It helps the world to help you !

How does this translate into workplace? Let us have clear goals for ourselves. Let us have clear KRAs. If we have some challenges, be pro-active and clear it. Review self. At a high level, if we see our work or anything that we do as job or task, we have one approach. But if we see our work and other activities as mission, our perspective changes. We get lot of power and energy from within. HR Performance Appraisals, Punctuality, Attendance, Follow-Ups, Reminders, Stress – all go out of our lexicon. Leadership becomes our mantra. Making it happen becomes our mantra.

Time flies. 2013 is gone. 2014 will also be soon gone. Focus on only 3 goals for 2014. These goals can cut across work, family, self. No more. No less.

I hope everyone of us have more achievements and more celebrations in 2014. Dreams do come true.